Barack Obama, who has not been shy about sparring with Texas Governor Rick Perry in the past, apparently suddenly realized that Perry knows how to create jobs. In an attempt to show he is serious about job creation after his reelection, Obama is visiting Texas in another of Obama’s noted charm offensives; this one is called the “Middle Class Jobs & Opportunity Tour.” 

Press secretary Jay Carney said, “Out in the country there are positive things happening, and that only reinforces the need for Washington to do some very simple things to help facilitate economic growth and job creation.”

Perry, who would have every right to eschew being gracious after Obama’s behavior toward him for four years, refused to be bitter; Perry spokeswoman Lucy Nashed said simply, “If President Obama is serious about getting our nation’s economy working again, then he’s come to the right place.”

“Texas’ success didn’t happen by accident – it’s a result of policies put in place under Governor Perry’s leadership with a laser focus on making Texas a beacon of economic freedom,” Nashed continued. She said if Washington is serious, they would act as Perry did, implementing tort reform, cutting taxes and spending, simplifying regulations, and “getting out of the way and allowing employers to risk their capital and create jobs.” 

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore/Flickr