Colorado’s secretary of state has “approved petition language” for recall efforts aimed at State Senate President John Morse (D) and Rep. Mike McLachlan (D). The recall campaigns are in response to their support of expanded gun control laws in the state.

Recalls are also being being pushed for Reps. Rhonda Fields (D) and Evie Hudak (D). Fields pushed for 15 round magazine limits. Hudak made a name for herself by telling a rape victim that if she’d had a gun on her person, her attacker “would have been able to get that from [her] and possibly use it against [her].”

A support group has been formed to defend Morse during the recall effort. The group, which calls itself “A Whole Lot Of People For John Morse,” is funded by America Votes-Colorado. Ironically, partner groups for America Votes include a number that received thousands of dollars in donations from New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.