On Friday, the jury in the Kermit Gosnell trial was dismissed for the weekend without a verdict. Deliberations on the charges against Gosnell and a co-defendant will resume on Monday at 8:30 a.m. ET.

The jury completed its second week of deliberations in the case of the Philadelphia abortionist who is charged with murdering a patient and babies born alive during abortion procedures, as well as other crimes.

The jury told Judge Minehart it was “drained” after four and a half hours of deliberation. There were no questions from the jury on Friday. Reporter JD Mullane reported that the judge resumed routine cases while the Gosnell jury deliberated.

A reporter covering the trial, Sean O’Sullivan, tweeted that the jury sent out a note, stating they were spent and had been given permission to leave early.

LifeNews reported that, on Thursday, the jury asked to re-hear testimony about a baby who was seen struggling to stay alive in a toilet, into which it had been delivered alive following an abortion.

The jury re-heard the testimony of Adrienne Moton, a medical assistant who told the court in March that she snipped the spines of at least 10 babies during unorthodox abortions. Moton also said that Gosnell and another employee used the same “snipping” technique.

Regarding the continued jury deliberations, Bryan Kemper, of the pro-life group Stand True, said, “Everyone needs to understand the jury must have 227 verdicts, not just one in the Gosnell murder trial. This can take a long time.”

The abortionist faces a total of 258 counts. Other charges against him include one count of infanticide and one of racketeering, 24 counts of performing third-trimester abortions, and 227 counts of failing to follow the 24-hour waiting period law before an abortion so women can consider its risks and alternatives.