In an interview carried this month in Rolling Stone magazine, Vice President Joe Biden said four Senators who voted ‘no’ on gun control have called him to say he was right and they were wrong, and they’d like another chance to vote on the legislation. 

Biden said he has been spending time trying to convince Senators their “no” vote was wrong–that “the public has changed” and really wants more gun control.

Added Biden: 

To use the vernacular, there’s suddenly a lot of Senators out there who have seen the Lord. You find out that Senator from New Hampshire is in trouble; she voted no. I can name you four Senators who called me and said…”I guess you were right–maybe we can find some other way of doing this. Can we bring this back up?”

Biden did not identify the four Senators who called him. But he did say, “I’m convinced we’ll be able to bring this back up, and I’m convinced we can win this.”