President Barack Obama won reelection largely, in part, because blacks, Hispanics, and young voters overwhelmingly went to the polls for him. But a new Harris Poll “Happiness index” study has found each of these groups are considerably less happy since Obama’s reelection.

The poll found that while 44% of blacks were “very happy” in 2011, only 36% were in 2013, which is still two percentage points higher than whites (34%).

Hispanics, on the other hand, are the most unhappy, according to the study. Only 28% of Hispanics are “very happy” in 2013, compared to 35% in 2011. The report suggests Hispanics may be unhappy because of the contentious immigration debate. 

In 2011, the poll found that 35% of college graduates were likely to be “very happy.” That number has dropped to 32% in 2013-possibly because of a “challenged job market and increasing questions of whether a college degree in this day and age is returning on the time and monetary investment.”

In the 2012 election, Obama won 93% of the black vote, 71% of the Hispanic vote. In addition, 60% of voters aged 18-29 voted for Obama. 

The Harris poll surveyed 2,345 adults online between April 10 and 15 for its study.