Spooked that Democrat candidate Rep. Ed Markey holds only a slim lead over his Republican challenger, Gabriel Gomez, national Democrats are pouring money into the race. The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is blitzing Massachusetts with a $700,000 ad buy attacking Gomez. Democrats are clearly worried that Gomez will run a Scott Brown-like upset in the election in two weeks and hand the GOP another Senate seat. 

Markey has been in Congress since the Nixon Administration. Gomez, a former Navy Seal and successful businessman, is new to politics. His parents came to this country from Columbia. Markey hasn’t had a competitive election in decades, giving Gomez, running an energetic campaign, an opening against the long-time incumbent. 

The election is on June 25. Democrats have a huge numerical advantage in the Bay State, but special elections generally have very low turnout. Gomez will benefit from an electorate that is older and more conservative than found in a regular general election. 

Democrats are obviously worried about Markey. The Senate Democrat ad buy is significant and will likely be augmented by efforts from other outside groups. Predictably, the Democrats are accusing Gomez of planning to gut Medicare and being a foot soldier in the mythical “war on women.”