Jim Allen, the Republican Party Chairman of Montgomery County, IL, resigned on Thursday after the Republican News Watch website published an email that Allen sent containing racist and disparaging remarks about Erika Harold, a former Miss America and current primary challenger to Congressman Rodney Davis (R-IL).

Allen penned the following racist email in response to Doug Ibendahl’s editorial, “Illinois Republicans finally get some good news,” about Erika Harold’s announcement she will challenge sitting 13th District Congressman Davis.

— Original Message —

From: Jim Allen 

Sent: 06/18/13 10:59 PM

To: Doug Ibendahl 

Subject: 13th Congressional District reply

Rodney Davis will win and the love child of the D.N.C. will be back in Shitcago by May of 2014 working for some law firm that needs to meet their quota for minority hires.

The truth is Nancy Pelosi and the DEMOCRAT party want this seat. So they called RINO Timmy Johnson to be their pack mule and get little queen to run.

Ann Callis gets a free ride through a primary and Rodney Davis has a battle.

The little queen touts her abstinence and she won the crown because she got bullied in school,,,boohoo..kids are cruel, life sucks and you move on..Now, miss queen is being used like a street walker and her pimps are the DEMOCRAT PARTY and RINO REPUBLICANS…These pimps want something they can’t get,,, the seat held by a conservative REPUBLICAN  Rodney Davis and Nancy Pelosi can’t stand it..

Little Queenie and Nancy Pelosi have so much in common but the one thing that stands out the most.. both are FORMER QUEENS, their crowns are tarnished and time has run out on the both of them..

Following the publication of Allen’s email on Republican News Watch, Allen resigned from his post as Montgomery County GOP Chair; he has yet to resign his position as a party committeeman.

Erika Harold released the following statement in response to unfolding events:

The views expressed within Chairman Allen’s email have no place within public discourse. These comments, however, only strengthen my resolve to run a positive campaign and reject personal attacks. — Erika Harold

Allen has also been removed from Congressman Davis’s list of supporters from his reelection campaign website. Davis was appointed by the Illinois GOP to fill the Republican slot on the 2012 ballot for the 13th congressional district after then Rep. Tim Johnson (R) announced he would not seek reelection.

Davis’s campaign disavowed the comments by Allen:

“Mr. Allen’s comments are misguided and wrong and certainly do not reflect the views of Congressman Davis or his campaign,” Davis spokesman Andrew Flach said in an emailed statement. “Our hope is that supporters for all of the candidates conduct themselves in a positive manner and focus on the issues facing our country as the campaign moves forward.”

Harold is a favorite of state conservatives looking for fresh faces from Illinois to represent them in Washington, D.C.