On Wednesday morning, a dozen supporters of the Evangelical Immigration Table (EIT) gathered to pray at the Peace Circle adjacent to the West Lawn of the Capitol building in support of the passage of the Gang of Eight immigration bill. The prayer session, which lasted for half an hour, took place in front of a large parked truck whose side panel was a sign that said “Praying for Immigrants. Praying for Congress.”

The sign included a website, pray4reform.org , which is a domain purchased by the National Immigration Forum, the George Soros-funded non-profit organization that has paid for the EIT’s controversial $250,000 ad campaign.

As Marjorie Jeffrey reported on Wednesday at the Institute on Religion and Democracy’s blog, “[t]he prayer gathering was informally led by Lisa Sharon Harper, Director of Mobilizing at Sojourners.” The founder of Sojourners, Jim Wallis, is a noted left wing political activist who has received significant funding from George Soros’s Open Society Foundation in the past. Mr. Wallis is a member of the EIT leadership team.

Ms. Harper starting the prayer session by saying “This is not just an action. This is a truly spiritual moment. We are calling on God to move the hearts of the legislators.”

Attendees were given a handout sheet which offered prayer suggestions, and “listed passages from the Bible and encouraged those gathered to pray as they were moved to do so. Also included were suggestions for prayers, such as asking God, ‘To convince Christians that He can judge a people for their failure to protect the vulnerable’, and, ‘To put a holy fear in Christians of His judgment for improper treatment of immigrants.’ “

One participant prayed “for those who are white, Lord, and those of us who have experienced a lot of privilege.”

Rose Berger, associate editor for Sojourners Magazine, prayed that “as we stand trembling in awe of your love and your power, let us also convey a holy fear to those in Congress. They have a choice to do what is right. Let them tremble if they choose to do what is wrong.”

Additional EIT prayer sessions will be held at 10 am on Thursday and Friday of this week at the same Peace Circle location near the Capitol.

Photo: Marjorie Jeffrey, Institute on Religion and Democracy