Student and photographer Ethan Gehrke has captured a number of protest signs used by pro-choice activists at the Texas statehouse. The legislature convened for a special session in which a bill to ban abortions past 20 weeks of pregnancy is being considered for a second time.

Perhaps the most gut-wrenching of his collection demonstrates how very young children are being used to promote their parents’ pro-choice agenda.

In Gehrke’s photo below of a pro-abortion woman and four very young little girls, the children carry signs that say, “If I wanted the government in my womb, I would f$#& a senator!”

See more of Gehrke’s photos of “bizarre” pro-abortion signs at the Washington Examiner here.

Betsy Woodruff also reports at National Review Online that pro-life lawmakers in Texas are receiving threats and verbal abuse from pro-abortion activists, prompting the suggestion that the angry, unruly mob that screamed and shouted to prevent a vote on the pro-life and pro-women’s health legislation last week is still very much around.

For example, state Sen. Donna Campbell (R), who issued the third point of order against state Sen. Wendy Davis’ (D) filibuster, thereby ending it, has been the target of considerable verbal abuse from pro-choice protesters.

Campbell’s spokesman, Jon Oliver, said their office has received Facebook messages and e-mails saying, “I hope you’re raped,” and “I hope your daughter’s raped.”

Oliver told Woodruff that the Department of Public Safety is on high alert during the special session.

Pro-choice supporters were also chanting, “Hail Satan,” as pro-lifers sang the hymn, “Amazing Grace” in the statehouse.