A study published in the Journal of Personality asserts that those people who resist acting impulsively and practice self-control are happier than those who give in to temptation. Study co-author Kathleen Vohs, a professor of marketing at the University of Minnesota, said those who “avoid problematic desires and conflict’ lead happier lives.

414 adults were surveyed, and in addition to the surveys, 205 adults were given smartphones to record their feelings as well as their desires and subsequent resistance during the week-long procedure.

Dr. Nick Nacarri, a psychologist who commented on the study on Fox news, said it was better to resist acting impulsively because the instant gratification can be ephemeral. He stated it was better to take more time: “So it’s not like denying yourself entirely, but being more selective about when and how and under what circumstances, because when you do that it makes the things more enjoyable.”