Call in the National Guard; Chicago is out of control. 

That’s what State Rep. Monique Davis (D-IL) asked during a press conference in Springfield: “I am requesting with this press conference that Gov. Patrick Quinn order the Illinois National Guard [and] the Illinois State Police [to]come to Chicago and work with our mayor Ron [sic] Emanuel to provide safety for the children, especially,” she said.

Other state lawmakers agreed that the violence in parts of Chicago is extreme and may spread to the rest of the city and the state but did not endorse her suggestion. During the Fourth of July weekend alone, 74 people were shot and 12 killed in Chicago.

Davis decried the police’s ability to shut the violence down, citing a lack of manpower but then averred that if the National Guard and State Police do get involved, they should implement a special commission to monitor them. She said, “We don’t want them to have us fearing them also.”