School districts are getting fed up with losing money and hungry children as a result of the new federal school lunch program pushed by Michelle Obama. New York’s Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake school district has decided to leave the National School Lunch Program because of  “hungry, frustrated children plus lost income.” The district lost $100,000 last year because of the program.

In a news release from the district, assistant superintendent Chris Abdoo said:

[Food service manager Nicky] Boehm and her staff worked hard to implement the new regulations, but there were just too many problems and too many foods that students did not like and would not purchase. Students complained of being hungry with these lunches and the district lost money. I’m confident we can do better on our own next year. Students felt they weren’t getting good value for their money. The high-schoolers especially complained the portion sizes were too small, and many more students brought in lunch from home.

Elementary students apparently hated canned green beans and  “part” of a chicken patty on a mini croissant.

The school district of Catlin, Illinois has already jettisoned the Lunch Program. The USDA, which runs the Lunch Program, estimates that school districts around the nation will spend $3.2 billion to put Michelle Obama’s favorite program into place.