On July 10, 2013, the following video was posted on eco-activist Andrea Ladenthin’s Facebook page and then reposted to YouTube by Media Trackers. The video shows a group of militant eco-activists verbally threatening workers and attempting to shut down a mining project in northern Wisconsin.

The environmentalists tell the miners that they’ll “f***ing destroy” them. They threaten, “Do you think we will be the only ones coming? You won’t get anything done as long as we’re here.”

One female in the video can be seen repeatedly yelling at the workers, “Get on the other side or die.” Another calls one of the workers a “country boy, racist piece of sh*t.”

Media Trackers Brian Sikma told Breitbart News the site under attack is in Iron County, WI and is owned by Gogebic Taconite.

Gogebic Taconite has recently hired armed security guards from Bulletproof Securities “to monitor the company’s land, which is trespassed on by illegal campers — vandals that oppose the mine,” according to one company spokesman.

National Review reports one Democrat state senator said, “I’m appalled,” regarding the use of the security personnel, claiming, “There is no evidence to justify their presence.

The video obtained by Media Trackers from Ladenthin’s Facebook page may prove otherwise.

Warning: Explicit Language

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