Anthony Weiner, speaking at Staten Island’s First Central Baptist Church Sunday to a largely black congregation the day after the George Zimmerman acquittal, criticized the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk program and compared their actions to the Nazis in the late 1930’s.

Last year, more than 700,000 in New York were stopped — the overwhelming majority of them were young men of color. Ninety-seven percent of them did nothing wrong. And the mayor stood up and said, “Wait a minute, statistically this” and “statistically that.” Well, you can have 100 percent statistical reduction in crime if you stop everybody. You could have 1938 Germany, because everyone has to show their papers.”

State Sen. Simcha Felder, who hails from South Brooklyn communities that are comprised of heavily Orthodox Jewish population, was furious in light of the remarks. He said, “His comments were shocking and disgraceful… [and] he should apologize. Anyone who uses the Holocaust frivolously diminishes the tragedy that occurred. Weiner clearly stepped over the line.”

Weiner spokeswoman Barbara Morgan defended her boss, saying, “The context of the reference was the argument made by some that stopping innocent citizens was an acceptable cost for public safety. He clearly was not equating 1938 Nazi Germany to New York City.”

The latest Quinnipiac University Democratic mayoral poll shows Weiner enjoying 20% of the Jewish vote, the most of any Democratic candidate for mayor.