Since early May, the Chicago murder rate for2013 has nearly matched that of 2012’s bloodbath; for those living among the south and west side war zones, the numbers are not getting better.

The most recent Chicago Crime Statistics Portal shows the murder rate dating back 28 days from July 14, 2013 has surpassed that of 2012 by four percent, with 51 total murders.

While overall shooting incidents are reportedly declining, the number of murders has slowly but steadily been on the rise over the past two and a half months.

For the better part of 2013, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and police superintendent Garry McCarthy have consistently boasted of decreasing crime across the city. However, while the total number of murders for the year is down 24 percent, more than 220 Chicagoans have died as a result of shootings. Exact figures have a one-week lag time.

Both Emanuel and McCarthy continue to argue in favor of tougher enforcement controlling illegal guns as well as tougher restrictions on legal gun ownership to curb the city’s murder epidemic.

Since Friday night, there have been 22 more shootings resulting in 6 more deaths.

The data portal also shows criminal sexual assaults have increased nine percent from mid-June to mid-July, with 137 complaints.

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