First Lady Michelle Obama advocated for Congress to pass an immigration bill during remarks before the National Council of La Raza’s annual convention in New Orleans on Tuesday.

During her key note address, which MSNBC’s Erin Delmore characterized as Michelle Obama having “waded into trickier political waters than her usual healthy-eating speeches,” the first lady advocated the passage of a bill, though she did not specify which piece of legislation.

“Your president and his administration are going to keep working with you and fighting with you every step of the way,” Michelle Obama said in her speech. “I know these debates are hard, especially on immigration, but do not give up, because I know my husband will not give up until a good bill gets on his desk.”

Janet Murguia, the president of the National Council of La Raza, praised First Lady Michelle Obama’s efforts to push amnesty for America’s at least 11 million illegal aliens on Tuesday, calling her “an Honorary Latina.”