While the ongoing sexual revelations may be bad for Anthony Weiner’s mayoral aspirations, they are certainly good for the porn industry.

Forbes reports that pornographers “are rubbing their palms together and trying to figure out how to make money off the steamy headlines.”

And some of the money the porn industry takes in will be going back to Weiner.

Michael Kulich “runs a constellation of adult companies” and is currently making a porn film “in Weiner’s honor.” He plans to give 15 percent of the proceeds to Weiner’s mayoral campaign. 

The film features a character named “Professor Weiner” who receives “sext” messages from his students. The DVD will go on sale September 7 and will be available online as well. 

Porn company Jet Set Men released a film loosely-based on the earliest details of Wiener’s story back in 2011.

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