After seven demonstrators from protests organized by the Chicago Federation of Labor were taken into custody on charges ranging from battery to obstruction and interference with police officers, an individual who claimed to be part of Anonymous harassed a small group of attendees to the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) conference at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago.

In the video, the “peaceful” young anarchist can be seen following conference attendees down the sidewalk, yelling and shouting “get the f**k out, this is our town, mother f**ker!” At one point another protester throws water at the attendees.

After the attendee informs the “peaceful protester” he can not take him seriously because he is wearing a Guy Fawkes mask, the protester becomes even more irrate. He removes his mask and continues to yell and shout profanities at the attendee.

The protester continues to harass and the attendee, yelling, “One day you’re not gonna have any money! You ain’t safe anywhere, this is Chicago, you don’t know what the f**k you are dealing with!”

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