On Tuesday, OFA, Obama’s advocacy arm, held a nationwide “Action Day” on climate change. The results, like most recent OFA events, were rather underwhelming. Mostly a handful of people gathered outside some congressional district offices and held signs. In DC, it was worse. No one showed up. A Breitbart reader, though, caught up with an OFA activist in Huntington Beach, CA outside the office of Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R). While most activists stuck to talking points, this one had some interesting ideas about overcoming opposition to climate change legislation. Arresting opponents and putting them on trial. 

The activist began in typical classy OFA style:

I think Congressman Rohrbacher, whatever his name is, he is a loser. A big loser. 

Things got more interesting when he was asked what we should do about Rep. Rohrabacher and other congressmen who vote against legislation to combat global warming:

I personally think they should be put on trial for treason. They should have arrested them a long time ago. They’re personally trying to wreck the US economy…anybody that goes against the government voted by the majority of the people, its treason

I call it freedom. As I did when the left was protesting George Bush and the Iraq War. I will still call it freedom when this activist likely takes to the street to protest a future Republican president. 

More many, including, obviously, this activist, climate change is more of a religion than a policy issue. Politicians opposing more regulation, higher taxes and dramatically higher energy costs aren’t just political opponents, they are heretics. They are traitors. 

I’m curious if this activist thinks its just treasonous to oppose climate change legislation. Are those opposed to ObamaCare or a political nominee traitors as well? I’m also curious whether the activist thinks that he himself should be arrested and tried for treason. He is after all, protesting a member of government who was elected by a majority of people in his district.

Actually, I’m not really that curious to know.