Eliseo Medina, the International Secretary-Treasurer of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), freely and unashamedly admitted that his union has members who are illegal immigrant workers. 

Medina made the comments in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News at a rally for immigration reform attended by hundreds of people in Bakersfield, California.

Medina gave no indication that he thought there was anything wrong with violating U.S. immigration law, and said the country needed comprehensive immigration reform because workers who are in the country illegally fear legal consequences such as being arrested or deported.

This is a stunning admission coming from one of the top union leaders behind comprehensive immigration reform: it suggests that the SEIU knowingly accepts dues from illegal immigrants working in the United States and advocates for them regardless of their violations of immigration and labor laws.

On its website, the SEIU admits, by implication, that it may have illegal immigrants as members, in the course of fighting the “smear” that it spends money on political campaigns collected from illegal immigrants.

Watch the interview below: