The Nevada AFL-CIO unanimously passed a resolution Wednesday condemning the Affordable Care Act, known to its critics as Obamacare.

“The unintended consequences of the ACA [Affordable Care Act] will lead to the destruction of the 40 hour work week, higher taxes and force union members onto more costly plans,” said the resolution.

The union resolution passed unanimously hours after an address from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV). The Las Vegas Sun says Reid did not discuss Obamacare in his remarks but has previously blasted some union leaders for “exaggerating” the damage Obamacare will do to union workers and told one union leader, D. Taylor of UNITE Here, to “just calm down and stop frightening people.”

So far, though, union leaders are not backing down. 

“We were told that if you liked the health insurance you had, then it would be left alone,” Nevada AFL-CIO chief Danny Thompson told the Sun. “Well, it hasn’t been left alone.”

Earlier this month, progressive Washington Post columnist Ezra Klein conceded that Obamacare is “going to make a lot of people who get good employer-based benefits really unhappy–including some of the law’s supporters, like labor unions.”

The Nevada AFL-CIO resolution says that its original support for Obamacare has boomeranged back on the organization.

“The Administration has postured on proposals to address the problem, but no proposal to date will actually solve the problem,” says the resolution. “Our health plans only get worse.”