Even as MSNBC reacts to the DeKalb, Georgia, shooting by declaring “guns are the problem,” Marietta City Schools are requesting more good guys with guns on campus.

According to The Marietta Daily Journal, the Marietta City Schools district in DeKalb, Georgia is asking for security to be beefed up. The Marietta police department provides officers to the school system for security.

Marietta police department officer David Baldwin said the dept is “taking every precaution” and has “been working hand in hand with the schools, talking to upper management about” recent school incidents which involved several intruders bringing dangerous weapons on campus.

He said the police are focused not only on  the safety of “students and faculty” but also in letting parents know they are being “proactive” in their security measures.

The bottom line is that while gun control proponents are saying no more guns, Marietta City Schools are saying more good guys with guns, please.

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