On CNN’s State of the Union, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said he was actually not completely convinced that President Barack Obama would veto a bill that defunds Obamacare. 

When CNN’s Candy Crowley commented that Obama would never sign a bill that would defund his signature legislation, Cruz skeptically said, “you may be convinced of that.” 

Crowley then asked, “you’re not convinced of that?”

“I am not at all convinced,” Cruz replied. 

Cruz said “Obamacare is the biggest job killer in this country” that was “forcing people to have hours reduced to 29 hours a week” while causing others to lose their health insurance plans.  

He said his office is not getting “significant calls” from Texans asking for help in signing up for Obamacare. Instead, Cruz said Texans have been calling his office asking him to “please stop Obamacare. Please stop this train wreck.”

Cruz said “now is the single best time to stop Obamacare” and would encourage a “grassroots tsunami” to convince lawmakers to defund Obamacare when the battle “heats up” in September. 

Cruz reiterated that the House should pass a continuing resolution to fund everything but Obamacare and then leave it up to conservatives to stand up and win the argument about why Obamacare needed to be defunded.