A new Public Policy Polling poll shows New Jersey Governor Chris Christie trails in Ohio by nine points against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in a potential 2016 face off.

“Clinton looks very strong in Ohio- leading Chris Christie 45/36, Jeb Bush 50/36, Rand Paul 51/36, and Paul Ryan 52/36 as well- but Kasich does the weakest on the home front,” the polling firm wrote on Friday announcing the results. “One thing that is not helping his cause is the controversial abortion restrictions he signed into law this summer- only 34% of voters support them to 40% opposed.”

In a New York Times op-ed, Bloomberg News’ Al Hunt noted that so goes Ohio, so goes the nation.

“Ohio is the only state that has voted for the victor of the past 12 presidential elections,” Hunt wrote. “It is the embodiment of Middle America and swings back and forth from Republican red to Democratic blue.”

President Barack Obama won Ohio in 2012 by three points and won the election. Christie is a favorite among moderate Republicans for 2016, and while plenty can change in the coming years, being nine points behind Clinton in arguably the nation’s most critical state for a presidential election could cause reservations for the governor’s possible run.