An illegal alien brutally murdered Laura Wilkerson’s 18-year-old son in Texas, tied his body up, and then doused him with gasoline before burning him. 

Wilkerson recalled the harrowing details on Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125, yet her story has gone unheard in the broader press.

Maria Espinoza, the director of the Remembrance project that memorializes Americans who were killed by illegal immigrants, told host and Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon that such crimes “happen every day” in America, even in states far from the border. But the mainstream media, Espinoza said, often do not report on illegal immigrants who have murdered Americans in states like Virginia, Tennessee, Nebraska, North Carolina, Ohio, and Washington.

Espinoza said incidents remain local ones and are “shared” and actually suppressed. 

“We don’t even hear the person was here illegally in the country,” she said. 

Wilkerson told the harrowing tale of how her 18-year-old son was killed on what started out as “just a normal school day.” Wilkerson’s maternal instinct took over when her son did not answer a text from her around 1:30 pm and she went to the school to look for him. While driving around, Wilkerson saw her son’s truck parked by a dumpster at a strip mall. After police found her son’s backpack and shoes in the dumpster, she suspected the worst.

Wilkerson would later find out that an illegal alien, who would  have been eligible for citizenship under the DREAM Act, brutally murdered her son after he offered to give him a ride home. The illegal alien would later testify–without showing remorse–that he punched her son so hard in the nose that he went blind and kicked him in the stomach so hard that Josh’s liver and spleen sliced. After ultimately strangling Josh to death, the illegal immigrant then tied Josh up, took him to a field, doused him with gas and burned him. The illegal immigrant was sentenced to life in prison this January. 

Espinoza said such crimes were 100% preventable if the nation’s immigration laws are enforced. Wilkerson agreed, recalling how her son’s murder had been in court days before he killed her son because the illegal alien had stalked an ex-girlfriend. Similar incidents have occurred in states like Virginia, where the illegal alien who stabbed a Virginia teenager to death after asking her for a ride to the hospital had been detained months before the murder  

Wilkerson emphasized that the country had to “enforce the laws that are in place and secure the border” so even illegal alien criminals who are deported are not able to just walk back into the country because “our borders are open.”

She sad those like Rep. Steve King (R-IA) who have stood up against illegal immigration “were brave” for doing so and those like Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) who have supported comprehensive immigration reform that would grant amnesty to illegal immigrants disgust her. 

“That just makes me sick,” Wilkerson said. “Until it happens to one of their children or their grandkids they are not going to see it the same way.”

Espinoza said the Remembrance Project is engaging in a national campaign to memorializing the victims of illegal immigrants–like Wilkerson’s son–on quilts in every state.

She said Americans needed to tell lawmakers to focus on America, Americans, the debt, and citizens who are out of work. 

“There is absolutely no urgency to address illegal aliens or illegal aliens’s children,” Espinoza said. “They need to focus on American families.”

Wilkerson said her son had dreams of going into the military like his brother and was a “compassionate” and “gentle” kid who “did not have an enemy.” 

But now that her son is gone, Wilkerson said the illegal alien who murdered her son had “more rights than he did.” Because the illegal alien lived in a so-called sanctuary city, Wilkerson recalled that police could not even ask him the immigration status of his parents when they arrested him.

“I don’t understand it at all,” Wilkerson said.