A bomb was planted next to a war memorial cross in Coos Bay, Oregon that exploded and damaged the the cement structure. 

The same monument has been the source of controversy in the past; the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), a prominent atheist organization which fights against public displays of Christianity, sent a letter to the city demanding the cross be taken down.

Hiram Sasser, director of litigation at the Liberty Institute which was hired by the city of Coos Bay to ascertain whether it violated the Constitution to have the Mingo Park Vietnam War Memorial cross, told Fox News:

We unfortunately are now to the point where explosive devices are being placed next to crosses. These people will stop at nothing to intimidate communities to tear down their veteran’s memorials. Now the crazies are trying to blow one up. This memorial is right next to the area where many children play. A child could have been killed or wounded by the IED exploding.

FFRF attorney Rebecca Markert had written a letter to the city stating, “We have no objection to the veterans’ memorials. Our objection is to the message of endorsement of Christianity over other religions and non-religions.”

Sasser challenged the FFRF to stop “fanning the flame of hostility toward veterans’ memorials. There are consequences for fomenting hatred for what were once obscure veterans’ memorials. The FFRF should immediately condemn this dangerous criminal act.”

Police have identified no suspects or possible motive in the case at this time.

Photo Source: KCBY-TV