On Tuesday, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin signed the petition to defund Obamacare, throwing her support behind the efforts of Senators like Mike Lee (R-UT) and Ted Cruz (R-TX). She said the “time for rhetoric” and “ceremonial” votes in Congress was over. 

“Forced enrollment in Obama’s ‘Unaffordable Care Act’ is weeks away,” Palin said in a statement. “This beast must be stopped–not funding it. Today, Todd and I joined with many of our fellow citizens to urge those in the U.S. Senate to not fund Obamacare.”

Palin added that “We The People must continue to make our voices heard and hold those elected to serve this great nation accountable.”

“Those in the Senate and those seeking to serve there must stand strong against this devastating program before it reveals its true face now recognized by both sides of the aisle as the bureaucratic and economic beast that will deny our families, our businesses, and our sick the ability to access health care,” she said. “The time for rhetoric and ceremonial votes in Congress is over. The time to take serious action to stop Obamacare is now. Join us in urging Senators–Don’t Fund Obamacare! Just remember–if you fund it, you own it!”

Lee and Cruz have led the effort to defund Obamacare, arguing that the House should pass a short-term resolution to fund everything to keep the government running except for Obamacare. They have said conservatives could then “win the argument” by convincing Americans that Democrats and President Barack Obama would rather shut down the government than extend Obamacare exemptions that big businesses and special interest groups have received to all Americans. 

The senators only have the support of 13 of the 41 senators needed to put the effort in motion, but Cruz has said he would do everything he could to encourage a “grassroots tsunami” in September to convince more senators that this is the last, best opportunity to defund Obamacare. 

Lee said that he was grateful for “Palin’s support as we fight to stop the funding for Obamacare.”

“She has the respect of millions of freedom-loving Americans across the country for her courage to fight for the principles that have made our country prosper,” Lee said. “I know her support is a big boost to this effort.”

Cruz, who said at this year’s CPAC that he would not be in the Senate were it not for Palin, also said he wanted to “thank my friend, Governor Palin, for supporting this grassroots movement to defund Obamacare.”

“She’s a tremendous voice for liberty, and her strong support adds to our growing momentum to stop this ‘huge train wreck’ and help American families restore jobs and opportunity,” Cruz said. 

The petition to defund Obamacare has over 600,000 signatures and can be found online at DontFundIt.com.