It has been just over a year since Chicago Alderman Proco “Joe” Moreno and Mayor Rahm Emanuel first took a stand against the privately owned food chain Chick-Fil-A, due to the owner Dan Cathy’s Christian faith and unfavorable view of same-sex marriage.

Moreno claimed “Aldermanic Privilege,” to deny Chick-Fil-A a zoning variance which would have allowed subdividing an unused portion of a Home Depot parking lot to open the restaurant. As a result, an uproar over freedom of religion spanned across the entire country, as supporters of the fast food chain waited hours to buy chicken sandwiches in a massive show of support for the first amendment against Moreno’s progressive-bully tactics.

Thanks to Moreno’s prejudice against Cathy’s First Amendment “protected” religious freedom, the proposed site for the restaurant, in a busy industrial and big-box commercial corridor, is sits for sale, vacant with no more than a pile of rubble and overgrown weeds, bordered by a dilapidated and incomplete chain link fence. It is estimated that as many as 200 temporary and permanent, full and part-time jobs could have been affected by Alderman Moreno’s actions.

A representative from Chick-Fil-A‘s public relations department confirmed with Breitbart News, that on average, each of their freestanding restaurants employ more than 60 team members.

Chuck Taylor, Director of Operations for Englewood Construction told Breitbart News, a typical food-retail-construction project of this scope “could have as many as 80 trades people who will touch that site. That does not include material services, which employs people to handle, load/ unload and deliver materials to the site.” He added, “Each company involved with the construction is going to have support staff for their crews in the office,” and the total number of construction jobs affected could be as high as “120 to 140 people overall.”

Alderman Moreno’s war on Chick-Fil-A proved to be too much even for gay-rights activists who attended a Gay Kiss In Demonstration outside of Chicago’s Gold Coast Chick-Fil-A location. Many protesters told Breitbart News, they disagreed with Moreno, and the restaurant should have been allowed to open.

Alderman Moreno did not respond to several requests for comment.

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