The NRA’s Ginny Simone has put together a video for the Colorado recalls titled, “Your Voice, Your Vote, Our Freedoms.”

The video opens with Simone saying, “The countdown is under way. Colorado’s first ever recall election is set for September 10. [A day on which] voters will decide whether two state senators, John Morse and Angela Giron, will lose their jobs.”

Following these things Simone uses interviews with Coloradans to show that the recall effort is about more than the “high capacity” magazine ban, expanded background checks, and other aspects of gun control Morse and Giron supported earlier this year. Over and above these things,  Simone makes it clear the coming recall election is also the product of the way these two state senators ignored the will of their constituents, “trying to shut them out of the legislative process.”

The NRA video shows Coloradan and Basic Freedom Defense Fund’s Rob Harris saying, “We’re not gun nuts. The number one reason I got up off my couch was because senator Morse stated that he was not going to listen to what I and my neighbors had to say.”

This same assertion has been made about senator Giron as well–that both legislators marched in lockstep with the pro-gun control forces, constituency be damned.

Simone’s NRA video concludes with Rob Harris speaking again: “[We can] send a message not only to legislators in Denver, but also to other state legislators around the country and to Washington D.C. that there is a price to pay if you’re not representing your people.”

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