Former Alaska Governor and Tea Party darling Sarah Palin had a simple message on the eve of President Barack Obama’s address to the nation on Syria and the “Exempt America” rally: “Bomb Obamacare.”

Palin tweeted the call to action the night before Tea Party Patriots and ForAmerica’s blockbuster rally on Capitol Hill for defunding Obamacare, which Breitbart News will broadcast from 10AM EDT to 5PM EDT on Tuesday. 

Palin linked to a SarahPAC video that shows footage of Obama calling her a liar for claiming Obamacare had “death panels.” Palin galvanized the Tea Party against the Affordable Care Act, leading up to the historic 2010 midterm elections which saw Democrats lose the House of Representatives. 

The video shows liberal anchors like Ed Schultz and Keith Olbermann mocking her and others citing Politifact, which claimed Palin’s “death panels” talking point was the “lie of the year” in 2009.

Palin, though, was vindicated as liberals like Paul Krugman and Howard Dean eventually admitted that Obamacare would ration life-saving care. The video clip shows Krugman and Dean conceding that Palin was right and details Democrats who support repealing the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), which is the unelected group of bureaucrats that will make health care decisions for Americans on Obamacare. At least 20 House Democrats support repealing IPAB. 

“Enough of this foreign fiasco distraction. Get back to work,” Palin tweeted. “It is time to bomb Obamacare.”