Colorado state senate president John Morse dismissed the voices of his constituents when voting to support gun control in the spring of this year. Then, as the recall effort to remove him from office gained momentum, Coloradan Luke Wagner of the Basic Freedom Defense Foundation said that Morse boasted on television of how “proud” he was for having ignored them. When his recall was secured and Morse was saying goodbye to his supporters he claimed that the loss of his seat was “purely symbolic” and he expressed enthusiasm over what Democrats had been able to do in the last legislative session–the session in which gun control was passed.

The Denver Post carried a video of Morse’s concession speech. Here are his words:

Our last session was phenomenal. And the next session will be even better. 

The loss of this seat for the next 16 months is purely symbolic. Democrats, the party of working families, still holds the majority in both chambers. 

We have miles to go, and the highest rank in a democracy is citizen not senate president. So soon, along with many of you, I will hold that rank. And there’s nothing citizens can’t accomplish when they put their minds to accomplishing it. 

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