September 11 has become a de-facto national holiday. Even if we don’t publicly speak about it, we silently remember where we were that day and reflect on how the events changed our lives. For Democrat Congresswoman Ann Kirkpatrick, however, remembrance of those tragic events is a perfect opportunity to ask for donations to her campaign.

On Wednesday, thousands of inboxes were hit with the following missive:

Dear friend,

We will always remember where we were when we heard the news on September 11, 2001. The tragedy that unfolded that Tuesday morning impacted each and every one of us.  We will never forget those we lost, and we will be forever grateful to the first responders who risked their own lives to save others.

Today is a reminder of the resilience we share as Americans. While we may have challenges before us, we know anything is possible when we come together as a nation. 


Congresswoman Ann Kirkpatrick




Yes, “Contribute.” 

Rep. Kirkpatrick signed off “respectfully”, but there is nothing respectful in soliciting campaign donations after evoking the worst terrorist attack on American soil. Keep in mind, her campaign initiated this communication. This isn’t an “auto-reply.” The campaign sought to recall the tragic events and bond with the reader over memories of the 9-11 attacks. Then, it asked for money. 

Pray that Arizona activists have the resilience to defeat Kirkpatrick next Fall.