Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), one of the architects of the defunding Obamacare strategy in the Senate, compared the the battle to defund Obamacare to the Revolutionary War. 

“I would remind your listeners out there that the Revolutionary War was fought and won with the support from what was initially a minority within a minority of Americans,” Lee said on Mark Levin’s radio show on Monday evening, according to Roll Call. “There are lots of fights that we have fought as Americans where we were the underdog, or where not everyone was on board, but a select few [believed] that it was worth fighting, and eventually they persuaded others to go along and eventually they won.”

Proponents of defunding Obamacare have been employing this analogy at various points in the fight, especially after the House passed a bill to fund the government and defund Obamacare after months in which pundits and even the Republican leadership had said such a bill would not come to the floor. 

“This is one of those moments where we as Americans have to stand together and where the Congress needs to stand with the American people who are calling in in overwhelming numbers saying please, keep the government funded, but defund Obamacare,” Lee said. 

Lee and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) have insisted that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) adopt a 60-vote threshold for amendments to the House bill so that Reid is unable to insert an amendment to fund Obamacare with a simple majority.