The momentum in the gun debate has clearly shifted toward gun rights proponents as the NRA continues to stand on the clear language of the Second Amendment. 

Whereas 2012 ended with Democrats working their constituents up into an emotional fervor to ban entire classes of guns, expand background checks, and ban “extended magazines,” now nothing sounds sillier than the suggestion “The right of the people to keep and bear Arms [holding less than 10 rounds], shall not be infringed.”

Equally silly is the sound of “The right of the people to keep and bear Arms [after getting government permission through expanded background checks], shall not be infringed.”

Americans, men and women of all political stripes, socioeconomic backgrounds, and races, have grasped once more the fact that our Founding Fathers intended the citizenry to be armed. And they are starting to understand again that the Second Amendment rights was put in place to defend the rest of the Bill of Rights from government infringement. 

Now, when gun control proponents push for expanded background checks to stop crimes that don’t involve background checks or seek to ban guns that are statistically never used in crimes–guns like a Barrett .50 caliber rifle–Americans hear something that is nonsensical. 

Just think how silly “The right of the people to keep and bear Arms [that aren’t arbitrarily called ‘assault weapons’], shall not be infringed” sounds.

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