On Wednesday, President Barack Obama told Americans who have received cancellation letters from their health insurance carriers to just “shop around” on the malfunctioning healthcare exchange marketplace, even though Obama conceded that even he was “not happy” with the site.

“If you’re getting one of these letters, just shop around in the new marketplace,” Obama cavalierly said. The Obamacare website went down today right before Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius was grilled during a House hearing about the site’s multitude of problems. 

“That’s what it’s for,” he stated.

Speaking at Faneuil Hall in Massachusetts where former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney signed “Romneycare” into law, Obama said “most people are going to be able to get better” and “comprehensive” health insurance for cheaper.” 

“You’re gonna get a better deal,” Obama said, right before conceding that those on the “higher end” of the income spectrum will pay more. “Nobody’s losing their right to healthcare coverage.”

After saying that the “website is too slow” and “too many people have gotten stuck” trying to access the marketplace that has been open for a month, Obama conceded, “We’ve had a problem. The website hasn’t worked the way it’s supposed to over these last couple of weeks.” 

He then claimed that “as a consequence, a lot of people haven’t had a chance to see just how good the prices for quality health insurance through these marketplaces really are.” Obama’s claim contradicts the reports of many middle class families who have been shocked by the high prices they have seen. Other have complained of premiums that have doubled. 

Obama claimed that HealthCare.gov will ultimately be the easiest place to shop for health insurance.