As President Barack Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), or Obamacare, manifests more and more failures, Obama’s campaign-turned-community organizing group is attempting a charm offensive in the style of–and on the pages of–the popular website BuzzFeed.

On Thursday evening, Halloween, Obama’s Organizing For Action sent out an email and published a website post titled “9 scary things not covered by Obamacare.”

The post, authored by Ethan Krupp, uses Halloween-themed movie gifs, putting a goofy face on the healthcare law while Americans lose their healthcare coverage, their premiums skyrocket, and the program’s costly website does not even work. “There are a lot of ways Obamacare provides better, more affordable care for millions of Americans,” Krupp wrote above a gif of the Sixth Sense‘s “I see dead people” scene.

“For example, it provides vision appointments for children. However, it doesn’t cover care for supernatural eyesight.”

For those visiting this post via, OFA’s website, they are then directed to BuzzFeed “to see a full list of things Obamacare covers–and a few ‘scary’ things it does not,” before being wished a “Happy Halloween!” The OFA email to subscribers contains much more of the full post but directs subscribers to its website. The BuzzFeed link is a Community post authored by OFA.

The rest of the listicle references horror classics, like Poltergeist and Rosemary’s Baby, and light-hearted spooky films, such as Hocus Pocus and Ghostbusters. The fictional uncovered procedures include “zombie vaccination,” “walking skeletons,” and “injuries sustained in your nightmares.”

The kicker line at the end of the list quips, “At least these are all just scary movies… Right?”