We have lots of friends in the environmental community. We value a vibrant natural world and we have and will continue to work toward such a world through various means. We are fans of solar power, and wind, and so called “alternative” energy technologies, but within the parameters of the market. If alternative energy sources cannot operate within the marketplace, such energies are by definition not sustainable.

The truth is that much of the money which went to “green” energy efforts during the first Obama administration went to connected friends and political rainmakers in the Democratic Party. The green stimulus money was a vehicle for people to get paid while they justified the largesse bestowed upon them by taxpayers by thinking they were doing the “right thing” for the environment. So long as one does the “right thing” crony capitalism is OK.

The billionaire who poured $8 million into my home state of Virginia from California in an effort to win the election for Clinton operative Terry McAuliffe did not, as far as I can see, directly benefit from any Solyndra-like deals. I could be wrong on this, but we are willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. But make no mistake, Tom Steyer is a crony with deep ties to both the Clinton and the Obama political machines.

Read the rest of the story at Against Crony Capitalism.