Pro-life organization Live Action has released two new investigative videos that illustrate how the late-term abortion business in Albuquerque, New Mexico is profiting from women who are in psychological pain.

The videos expose how both late-term abortion clinics and nearby hotels they partner with to house women suffering through week-long abortion procedures are profiting from desperate women experiencing an unplanned pregnancy.

The investigations come as Albuquerque, New Mexico residents will be voting Tuesday on a new measure that would ban abortions past the 20th week of pregnancy.

Currently, abortions are legal in Albuquerque any time up until the time of birth. Texas abortionist Curtis Boyd, who owns Southwest Women’s Options, the late-term abortion clinic that will be most affected by the proposed legislation, has contributed nearly $2,000 to defeat the bill. When interviewed about his abortion business in 2009, Boyd said, “Am I killing? Yes, I am.”

Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and President Obama’s political action group, Organizing for Action, have been campaigning heavily against the measure called the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance. Respect ABQ Women is the group opposing the abortion ban measure.

“Albuquerque residents going to the polls on Tuesday need to be really clear about what’s going on here,” Live Action president Lila Rose said.

Albuquerque is the late-term abortion capital of the world. We see late-term abortionists doing “fly-ins” to perform these procedures–dangerous for mothers, fatal for children–and local hotels providing free shuttle service to and from the rooms where many of these women get holed up to finish out the gruesome destruction of their babies.

Rose said voters need to be aware of the well-funded pro-abortion organizations that are contributing heavily to the Respect ABQ Women campaign.

“Groups like Planned Parenthood and NARAL may not be saying much about this vote, but that’s because late-term abortion doesn’t poll well. It never has,” said Rose. “But they’re spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to preserve this barbaric business.  I pray that voters strongly reject keeping Albuquerque a hub of human rights abuses on Tuesday.”

To demonstrate the high political stakes involved in next week’s vote, another pro-life organization, Operation Rescue, reported that the campaign website for supporters of the proposed ordinance had been hacked, resulting in email meant to go to pro-life PAC ABQ Voters For Late Term Abortion Ban being redirected to the Respect ABQ Women campaign which is opposing the bill.

Operation Rescue said that once the link was clicked on the pro-life website, email was not sent to as expected. Instead, email was directed to

The pro-life Susan B. Anthony List has also launched two new ads recently, spending $100,000, to support the Albuquerque ordinance. The latest ad features former New Mexico abortionist-turned pro-life advocate Dr. Anthony Levantino speaking in support of the ordinance.

In a press release, Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the pro-life Susan B. Anthony List, said:

On November 19th, Albuquerque voters will consider the simple and foundational fact that the child in the womb is a member of the human family.  At more than halfway through pregnancy, and even earlier, that child suffers excruciating pain from the cruel dismemberment of its body or the piercing of its heart. There is great consensus on this issue nationwide, and building momentum to protect the more than 15,000 lives ended each year in a late abortion. It is time that the law reflects our natural recoil from such violence against the innocent.

Over 25,000 Albuquerque citizens have cast early ballots as of Monday. In September, the Albuquerque Journal reported that 54 percent of the city’s voters supported the abortion ban, with 39 percent opposed.