President Obama’s personal approval ratings, which have held up his overall approval ratings for years despite low polling numbers on his positions, have now dropped through the floor based on the brutal Obamacare implementation. According to a new ABC News-Washington Post poll, Obama’s personal approval rating has dropped to 42 percent, a precipitous falloff of 13 percent since January, and down 6 months since October.

Up to 70 percent of Americans now think the country is headed in the wrong direction. Obama is personally down 31 points in polling on whether he is a strong leader since taking office, with only 41 percent of Americans viewing him as a good manager, against 56 percent who think he is a poor manager.

63 percent of Americans disapprove of Obamacare’s implementation, and 57 percent now oppose the law generally. As Rick Klein of ABC News reports, “Support for Obamacare makes voters more likely to oppose a particular candidate, 31-25, even in the states the president just carried a year ago.”