Appearing Sunday on NBC’s Meet the Press, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, one of the godfathers of Obamacare, said that the website was not merely “going in the right direction,” it was just like Google or Facebook. “I think it’s good enough progress,” he stated. “Clearly, just like Google and Facebook and all the internet sites are constantly tweaking their sites, constantly improving them, this one still has a ways to go. But it is certainly working reasonably well.”

He added, “For the first time…we actually have effective management overseeing.”

That would be news to the Americans who still can’t log on to the site. Over this weekend, the Department of Health and Human Services asked its allies not to publicize the site out of fear that more than 50,000 people would simultaneously log on, shutting it down again. And as for the contention that is anything like Google or Facebook, suffice it to say that both of those sites would be destroyed overnight had they rolled out anything as disastrously error-ridden as the Obamacare federal health exchange.