On December 12th, gun control proponents will hold a candlelight vigil for “national remembrance” of the heinous Sandy Hook Elementary shooting at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. 

The Very Rev. Gary Hall, the dean of the National Cathedral, said it was “easy” for him to agree to the vigil when asked about it, as Sandy Hook remains to him a “worldwide symbol of gun violence.”

According to The CT Mirror, Hall said: “I want to attract public attention to Newtown because of the nature of the tragedy, which came at the end of a year where we had other shootings.”

Hall preached for more gun control two days after the heinous crime at Sandy Hook when he said from the pulpit, “The gun lobby is no match for the cross lobby.” 

Shortly after Sandy Hook, the National Cathedral “hosted a three-day Gun Violence Prevention Sabbath Weekend,” which was filled with calls for more gun control. Another such weekend is scheduled for March 13-16, 2014. 

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