George P. Bush is warming up his political career in Texas, but instead of toeing the establishment GOP line, he is making an attempt to distance himself from his family’s reputation and align with conservatives and Tea Partiers.

Early in November, George P. officially filed as the Republican candidate for the office of commissioner of the Texas General Land Office.

Bush hopes to continue the Bush dynasty with a particular emphasis on capturing the Hispanic vote. He is fluent in Spanish, and his mother is a naturalized citizen born in Mexico. But George P. has decided to launch his political career in a rather safe way–by setting his sights low and running for a relatively little-known and unglamorous post.

With this run, though, Bush is not touting his ties to his family. Instead, George P. says that his influence is of a more conservative stock. He is campaigning as a “movement conservative” and Tea Party aficionado.

Bush says that instead of looking to George W. or George H.W., he finds his inspiration in former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and the 1994 Republican revolution that inspired the conservative Contract with America.

The younger Bush recently told the Associated Press, “On social questions, national defense, economic issues, I’m a strong conservative.”

Bush was also an early supporter of conservative Texas firebrand, Senator Ted Cruz.

The AP reported that a former Cruz campaign manager agreed that George P. was a Cruz booster, saying Bushes “walk in certain circles, and some of those people might put their nose up at Ted sometimes, but George P. tries to cross that divide.”

Indeed, George P. Bush was a supporter of Cruz’ filibuster effort to stall Obamacare, calling President Obama’s healthcare law a “monstrosity.”

“It’s a monstrosity of a law. In terms of defunding it, that would be one way to reduce and mitigate the impact it’s going to have on practicing physicians and hospitals here in Texas,” Bush said on August 21.

George P. was at odds with his own father during Cruz’s Obamacare defunding effort, as former Florida Governor Jeb Bush came out in opposition to the defunding efforts.

It remains to be seen whether the people of Texas will accept George P. Bush’s self-proclaimed ideology. Thus far, voters can only judge the young man on his words since he has yet to win an election to any office and, therefore, has not developed a track record.

Bush is hoping to replace current Commissioner Jerry Patterson, who is now running for Lt. Governor. Bush is unopposed in the GOP primary and will face former El Paso Democratic Mayor John Cook in November of 2014.