Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said he thinks that House Budget Committee chairman Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) is presidential material because of his work on the spending deal he cut with Senate Budget Committee chairwoman Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA).

“From my point of view, he’s showing leadership,” Graham said, according to the Huffington Post. “I mean, if you want to become president, maybe instead of trying to please every faction of your party, maybe you should show the country as a whole I can actually work with the other side on something important.”

Huffington Post noted that Graham “added with a laugh” that he thinks “it’s a unique way to become president, but I think it might actually work.”

Ryan was the vice presidential nominee in last year’s failed bid by Mitt Romney to unseat incumbent President Barack Obama. He, like Graham, supports granting amnesty to America’s at least 11 million illegal aliens–a position that has the ability to undercut any GOP politician’s support from the base, as polls show it did to Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL).

Ryan is expected to attempt to champion an amnesty plan through the House in early 2014.