A mastermind group of tech company leaders will meet with President Obama to discuss HealthCare.Gov’s myriad problems and presumably come up with solutions to them.

Moreover, Obama would like to partner with the companies and address matters pertaining to income inequality and social mobility.

Executives from companies, including Apple CEO Tim Cook, Twitter’s Dick Costolo, Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt, and Facebook chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg, will be discussing ways the tech sector can help grow the economy.

White House officials told CNN that the meeting will concentrate on the controversial NSA surveillance programs as well. Today, a Federal Judge ruled that the National Security Agency’s bulk collection of metadata — phone numbers and records of customers without disclosure of conversations — violates Fourth Amendment privacy rights. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and others have recently criticized the NSA program as being intrusive.

Ironically, these same tech companies use private information that they obtain on their websites to target advertising and promotions at individuals to increase revenues. Customers who download apps from these companies frequently do not read the terms and conditions which grant those companies access to their private information.