A day after the Obama administration extended the deadline to apply for insurance through the federal exchanges, Politico declared that if Obamacare were a movie, it would be a “horror” or “disaster” film. 

Politico observed that each time the Obama administration assures Americans they have Obamacare under control, another catastrophic problem arises. The outlet noted all of the deadline delays and HealthCare.Gov website failures, in addition to the “hardship” exemptions the Obama administration doled out last week, which essentially declared that Obamacare was a “hardship.” The Obama administration will allow Americans who got their insurance plans canceled and have not been able to purchase insurance the option to enroll in “catastrophic plans” that President Barack Obama said were junk policies.

Americans who received cancelation notices (which the Obama administration promised they would never get) and are over 30 years of age will also be exempted from the individual mandate for at least a year. Earlier in the year, the Obama administration also gave insurance companies the option of extending their canceled plans for another year. This was after the Obama administration delayed the employer mandate for a year. 

All of these factors led Politico to declare in an article titled, “The PR Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue,” that Obamacare is “pretty much any disaster or monster movie.