Alabama state Senator Jerry Fielding has announced plans to introduce an official resolution supporting Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson. Fielding said the A&E Network “bowed to pressures from liberal groups rather than respecting Robertson’s biblically correct views.” 

“Phil Robertson’s family values are shared by the vast majority of Alabamians, who are rightfully concerned by the vitriol aimed at his Christian stance,” Fielding said. “There’s a clear double standard in the media favoring a liberal worldview.”

The controversy over Phil Robertson’s remarks about homosexuality is an unlikely front in America’s culture wars. Anyone who watched even a single episode of “Duck Dynasty,” as A&E executives surely have, would know that the Robertsons are deeply religious. Is it really a surprise that many Christians view homosexuality as a sin? 

Fielding will introduce his resolution on January 14th, when the Alabama legislature convenes its new session.