As Planned Parenthood prepares to celebrate its 100th anniversary, its recently released annual report indicates an organization that is very dependent on Obamacare’s “free birth control” and pop culture influence for survival.

The abortion industry giant cites Obamacare, the re-election of Barack Obama, state elections with the “largest gender gap ever recorded,” Texas Sen. Wendy Davis’s filibuster against her state’s new law banning abortions past 20 weeks of pregnancy, and the NBC series Parenthood – which depicted “the first abortion on a major network entertainment program in years” – as major “history-making moments” for its organization.

Having received over $655,000 in grants from HHS to serve as Obamacare “navigators,” the opening message of Planned Parenthood’s 2012-2013 annual report from chairperson Alexis McGill Johnson and president Cecile Richards states:

As we approach our 100th anniversary, we are focused on building for the next century. We are investing in unprecedented efforts to help millions more people get high-quality, affordable health care; after leading the fight to ensure that the Affordable Care Act would be a historic advance for women’s health, now we’re making sure its promise is realized in people’s lives. We are investing in technology to reach a whole new generation, both with health care and opportunities for activism. We are investing in the toughest areas of the country where health care is hardest to access and where disparities based on race and class are deepest. And Planned Parenthood Action Fund is using every tool in its toolkit to ensure that we have a political climate that will protect women’s health.

Whenever possible, the organization’s report makes the connection between Planned Parenthood and Obamacare.

“Millions more people begin getting free access to birth control, breast exams, and other preventive care as the Affordable Care Act goes into effect, with the women’s preventive benefit that Planned Parenthood led the fight to include,” the summary states.

However, as Kelsey Hazzard observed at LifeNews, there is more behind the scenes to consider in Planned Parenthood’s boasting about its breast exams.

Keeping in mind that Planned Parenthood does not perform mammograms, as President Obama falsely claimed, Hazzard notes that the organization has consistently provided fewer breast exams each year since 2009, with 839,312 reportedly given in that year, 747,607 in 2010, and 639,384 in 2011. Breast exams in this year’s annual report came in at only 549,804.

Hazzard states:

Back in February of 2012, the Susan G. Komen controversy was at its zenith. You’ll recall that Susan G. Komen announced that it would stop funding Planned Parenthood, which it had been doing to the tune of about $600,000 a year, and use that money for other projects instead. Planned Parenthood responded with an extensive media campaign denouncing Susan G. Komen’s decision. Susan G. Komen eventually caved and reinstated the funding, but not before Planned Parenthood raised over $3 million off of the controversy. Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards publicly stated that the $3 million would allow Planned Parenthood to “expand our breast care work beyond our wildest dreams…”

But surely an infusion of $3 million cash would reverse this gloomy pattern, or at least allow them to maintain 2011 levels… right?

Yet, in the 2012-2013 annual report, the abortion giant boasts, “An outpouring of public donations helps Planned Parenthood significantly expand our breast health training, outreach, and medical programs – and helps several thousand more low-income patients get biopsies and other advanced diagnostic screening.”

“You read that right,” writes Hazzard. “‘Significantly expand.’ That is a bald-faced lie.”

Making clear that “women’s health” is really synonymous with unlimited access to abortion for its organization, Planned Parenthood proclaimed as a “history-making moment” when Wendy Davis’s “filibuster of a draconian abortion law lights a fire in Texas, as the public rises up against unprecedented attacks on women’s health at the state level, from North Dakota to North Carolina.”

Using “pop culture influence” and social media tools to “reach youth online” is essential for Planned Parenthood’s survival.

In addition to the NBC series Parenthood‘s depiction of an abortion that, according to Planned Parenthood, reached “millions of people with a storyline that connects broader segments of the public about abortion,” the organization states that it also “worked with major television programs and media outlets such as Girls and Cosmopolitan to promote our brand and cover our issues.”

The abortion giant touts that African-American and Latino youth are turning to Planned Parenthood as “a lifeline in moments of crisis.” The annual report states that the group’s “groundbreaking chat/text program” is “now reaching 10,000 young people a month – just as reaches 5 million visits a month as the go-to source of reproductive health information.”

In response to Planned Parenthood’s 2012-2013 annual report, however, American Life League’s (ALL) STOPP observed that, “following a consecutive three-year decline in overall ‘services,’ Planned Parenthood posted a 1.18 percent service increase in 2013, attributable solely to an increase in its contraceptive business.”

STOPP continues:

Meanwhile, [Planned Parenthood’s] government income increased from $305.3 million in 2006 to a whopping $540.6 million in the fiscal year ended 2013. Our government continues to hand the nation’s largest abortion chain almost $1.5 million of taxpayer money per day, each and every day. Taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood increased 77 percent over the past seven years–ostensibly to provide more services, while services reported by Planned Parenthood are down 3.9 percent since 2009.

“Planned Parenthood continues to fail to deliver on its promise to provide expanded services commensurate with its government funding, which has increased 77 percent over the last seven years,” states STOPP. “Affiliate numbers, facility numbers, customer numbers, and three of its four categories of ‘services’ have all decreased. Its bottom line, however, continues to increase, thanks to its expansive government funding and its lucrative abortion business.”