Illinois passed a new state law that set back the efforts of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), making the use of drones to interfere with hunters and fishermen prohibited.

The law was created in response to PETA’s plan to employ drones called “air angels” to monitor outdoors enthusiasts engaged in hunting and fishing nationwide. Of course, the motivation for many outdoorsman is to get away from technology and be in harmony with nature. 

But PETA has another plan for lovers of the wilderness. They want to spy on hunters as self appointed green police trying to trap them in violations. Surprisingly, these “hobbyists” are able to take home their personal drone for only $324.99.

By creating a law to prohibit PETA from fulfilling its mission to harass hunters and fisherman in Illinois, it has averted problems that other states like Massachusetts has endured. PETA President Ingrid E. Newkirk said in a press release in Boston, “PETA’s drones will help protect wildlife by letting hunters know that someone may be watching–and recording–them, so they should think twice before illegally killing or maiming any living being. Wildlife watchers outnumber wildlife killers five to one–and if even a fraction of these kind people use hobby drones, they’ll make a huge difference by exposing hunters’ dirty secrets.” 

Newkirk added, “PETA aims to collect video footage of any illegal activity, including drinking while in the possession of a firearm; using spotlights, feed lures, and other forbidden hunting tricks; and maiming animals and failing to pursue them.”

Doug Jeanneret of the U.S. Sportsman’s Alliance asserts that PETA using drones constitutes “hunter harassment.” He added , “Imagine drones running over your duck decoys or near your tree stand. It would certainly interfere with your hunt and break the law. They will definitely be using them against all hunters.”