Organizing for Action, the community organizing group rebooted from President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign remnants that uses as its website, has thanked House Budget Committee chairman Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), and other Republicans supporting amnesty for illegal immigrants.

In a post published on New Year’s Eve, OFA’s Maria Liebermann listed the Obama campaign remnant’s “13 favorite immigration reform moments of 2013.” The list of chock full of praise for Republicans who have taken the Democratic Party position on amnesty for illegals, like Ryan and McCain.

“We made a lot of progress towards making comprehensive immigration reform in 2013 and we aren’t done yet,” Liebermann wrote. “Take a look at OFA organizers’ favorite moments in the fight for reform this year.”

The second point on the list thanks McCain for working to help push the Senate “Gang of Eight” comprehensive immigration reform bill into the chamber. “Senators from both sides of the aisle came together to produce a common-sense immigration reform bill,” Liebermann wrote, before embedding an August 2013 Tweet from OFA Arizona with a photograph of McCain aimed to “thank him for his leadership” on amnesty.

The third point congratulated the Senate passage of the bill, then the fourth cheered OFA activists attempting to force the House of Representatives to pass amnesty for illegal immigrants.

The fifth point on the list specifically thanks Ryan and his workout buddy in Congress, Rep. Aaron Schock (R-IL), a member of House Majority Whip Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) whip team, for their support for amnesty.

“As we fought for reform, several lawmakers in the House of Representatives joined the call, voicing their support for a pathway to citizenship, including Congressman Aaron Schock,” Liebermann wrote, before adding a post with a giant picture of Schock.

“And Congressman Paul Ryan,” Liebermann added, with a video of Ryan endorsing amnesty for illegal immigrants.

A little more than a year ago, Ryan was Mitt Romney’s running mate to unseat Obama and Vice President Joe Biden. Now, less than 14 months after Ryan and Romney lost to Obama and Biden, Obama’s and Biden’s campaign machine is praising Ryan.

“And Congressman Jeff Denham,” Liebermann further continued, with a photo in favor of activists pushing for amnesty as part of a Tweet from OFA California thanking Denham for supporting the Democratic Party policy.

Over the next several points, the OFA activist praised several pro-amnesty protests and community organizing activities throughout the country. One such instance includes a photograph of President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama visiting pro-amnesty protesters who were “fasting” in favor of immigration reform.

The thirteenth and final point from the ex-Obama campaign group again put pressure on specific congressional Republicans. “We are keeping the fight going into 2014 by calling out dozens of representatives by name, asking each to be a leader by pressuring Speaker Boehner to bring comprehensive immigration reform to a vote in the House,” Liebermann wrote before including an image targeting several House GOP members.

Reps. Schock, Michael Grimm (R-NY), Lamar Smith (R-TX), Blake Farenthold (R-TX), Gary Miller (R-CA), Paul Cook (R-CA) and Jon Runyan (R-NJ) were the ones the OFA campaign chose to name. Schock is an outspoken supporter of amnesty. Smith and Farenthold are ardent outspoken opponents of amnesty. The other Republicans have been longtime sought-after members by the pro-amnesty community but have not, as of yet, given in to the pro-amnesty demands.

OFA’s Liebmermann finished out her post with a fundraising request from OFA members. “Once-in-a-generation comprehensive immigration reform will provide an earned pathway to citizenship for millions of people and boost our economy–and it is closer to passing than ever,” Liebermann wrote. “The urgency is clear, and you can be part of finishing the job. Chip in today to support this fight.”