HOUSTON, Jan. 1 (UPI) —
A group of Houston school bus drivers said they were reprimanded for using their radio system for personal purposes, to pray for a grieving coworker.

Wretha Thomas of the Educational Support Union said the Houston Independent School District drivers used a back channel on the bus radio system to pray for a coworker whose 12-year-old daughter was struck by a car and killed while walking home from school Dec. 16, KTRK-TV, Houston, reported Wednesday.

Thomas said at least five drivers had disciplinary letters places in their personnel files. District officials said the drivers violated policy by using school equipment for private purposes.

A group of bus drivers and ministers gathered outside the HISD administration building to pray for the disciplinary letters to be withdrawn.

The union said the drivers were not suspended or fined, but the disciplinary notices could make it more difficult for them to find work during summer breaks.